Section Bending
You’ll save both time and money by offloading your easy way (Y-Y Axis) section-bending work to Intsel Steel, where we’ll tap into our extensive inventory to select high-quality steel, bend it to your precise requirements. Intsel Steel’s experienced metal-processing team can bend beams, bars, channels, angles, tees, tube, and pipe in virtually any shape you require. Working round-the-clock, we quickly process your product and deliver it directly to your door. No more wasted time and additional costs of coordinating trucking services between metal supplier, bending vendor, and your shop or project site. We handle it all, saving you time, money, and precious resources. Please contact us to learn more about our section bending capabilities.
If your project is engineered with cambered beams to increase load capacity while utilizing a smaller section, then consider Intsel Steel’s cambering services. With over 50 years of cambering experience and multiple cambering lines, Intsel Steel can quickly and accurately camber beams up to 40” wide (maximum camber is dependent upon beam size and length and our minimum cambering length is 25’).